Guide to Online Psychology Counseling

Why do we all need psychological counseling?

Psychological counseling aims to guide individuals in solving educational, individual, family, marriage and occupational problems and helps us to understand our intellectual and behavioral patterns and to better understand the solutions to our life problems and improve different aspects of life. The ultimate in counseling is to inform the individual of his or her mental, psychological and behavioral problems and their roots, and then to empower the individual to solve his or her problems in a scientific, logical, and lasting way. Experienced. Therefore, some of the benefits of receiving psychological counseling in different aspects of life are as follows:

Understanding personal interests and interests in various matters

The growth of thinking, the power of problem solving and changing patterns of thinking

Understand and resolve personality defects

Interpersonal Dispute Resolution

Decrease error rate

Non-disclosure of personal information for the sake of getting help from a professional and impartial person


The benefits of online consulting are not limited to this and anyone can benefit from it depending on their circumstances.


What is Online Psychology Counseling?

Online Psychotherapy or Online Counseling is an advancement in the field of mental health where the counselor or therapist offers psychological support and advice by the Internet without need to go to a counselor's office. Online counseling refers to providing online counseling services. Among the people, it is also referred to as electronic therapy, telehealth, internet therapy and web therapy. Consultants, therapists, and psychologists use a variety of tools to provide services, including:


Text message

Synchronous text chat (instant)

Internet Call (Online Voice Advice)

Video Conferencing (Online Video Consultation)

History of online consulting


Telecommunications between therapists and authorities is not a new issue. Sigmund Freud used correspondence to communicate with her clients. Since then, many sites have been providing mental health services. Although many professionals in the field are still skeptical of online counseling, this approach is highly favored by patients and Clients around the world and in Iran have faced this challenge. Research shows that a high percentage of patients receiving mental health services through video conferencing have expressed their satisfaction with this method.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Psychology Counseling

Online counseling has advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered. Given the multitude of online psychology consulting service sites (and even other counseling areas), be sure to consider issues such as confidentiality, legal and ethical issues, as well as qualifications of a counselor and therapist before choosing this method. .


Some of the benefits of online consulting are:


lower cost:

Compared to in-person consulting, the cost of online consulting is much lower on most sites. Although the packages offered may vary from one online consultation center to another, but depending on the duration of the consultation (usually between 1 and 2 minutes), the costs of online consulting can be about one-third to 1 percent less than in-person visits.


 Further communication with the therapist:

Many clients cannot wait a week to talk to their counselor due to their specific mental health conditions.


More convenience:

Online counseling can be as simple as sending a text or voice message. You don't need to change your daily life plans. You no longer need to travel to the office and waste time in the office. You can describe the optimal time to get your online video consultation in your order submission form. After coordinating with you and the consultant, the best day and time for communicating between you and the consultant will be determined.


Expressing the story in many ways:

Sometimes the client cannot express himself or herself through words. Using online counseling, clients can discuss their problems with the counselor in any of the ways that they are more comfortable with themselves. Some people are more comfortable writing, others talk with / without Video calls are preferred, and others prefer to consult with their advisor simultaneously / asynchronously. This way, the authorities can use any of these methods at any time, which is easier.


more speed:

Due to the bustle of counseling centers, faster access to services is one of the benefits of online counseling. Communication with an online psychologist is usually much faster than traditional methods, yet clients can access and access dozens of online counseling centers with a simple search.



Confidentiality is one of the other benefits of online consulting. Many clients prefer this method because there is less risk of getting friends, family and acquaintances from referral for treatment and counseling. At Ciaromarom, your counseling conversations and videos are not recorded at all, and no one other than the counselor and You will not be informed of the information exchanged at the meeting (online consultation questions).


Suitable for people with social anxiety:

If even thinking about meeting a stranger makes you anxious, online psychology counseling is a better option for you. Using this method, you do not need to sit on the advisor and talk about sensitive issues, but you can talk to the counselor at home and on your PC.


The difference between online psychology counseling and in-person counseling

Almost all of us have heard of in-person and traditional psychology counseling: you meet a counselor or psychologist in a counseling center, sitting face-to-face with him or her to end the counseling session in the allotted time. Millions of people do this Have used counseling. Many clients feel comfortable and relaxed from sitting in a calm, professional counseling / psychologist environment.


You might be asking yourself how much of this relaxation and convenience is applicable to online psychology counseling?


You should know that most online counseling centers use only qualified, experienced and licensed consultants, psychologists, psychiatrists and occupational therapists. You have the opportunity to speak with a specialist who cares about you, makes you comfortable and comfortable. Relax and give you the knowledge and experience just as much as an in-person counselor / psychologist. The more you can talk to a counselor at home and in your own room, the more relaxed you will be. Talk about your problems more easily.

This way you can easily connect with advisors and professors in your field of business who are well-known in the world.