Strategies for building trust in telemedicine

With the advent of the Internet and the expansion of Internet penetration in everyday life, we see that it is possible to provide goods and access to many services online. From buying food to clothes and shoes, special and luxurious goods and even specialized and medical services are provided online to users .

These days many online services  are offered to users , online medical services are an emerging and new phenomenon. Today, with the use of the Internet, the use of applications, social networks, video conferencing systems and other means of communication, the patient can talk about the disease, the symptoms of the disease, treatment methods and get advice from his doctor. With the help of online medicine, the results of diagnostic procedures such as tests, ultrasounds, etc. can be sent to different parts of the world .

In the traditional medical system, the patient has had to spend hours visiting, or waiting a long time for a doctor's visit. On the other hand, many areas of the country are facing a shortage of skilled and specialized personnel, and people in these areas are forced to travel to other cities to see an experienced doctor. These are reasons that justify the demand for and use of telemedicine services .


What are the benefits of telemedicine?


1-People are not exposed to new diseases .

The gathering place of people, including doctors' offices, is one of the places where viruses and bacteria are transmitted. These days, when the world is struggling with a disease like Quaid 19, this can be well understood. If the use of online medicine is on the agenda of doctors and the management of offices and clinics, it allows the patient to visit the doctor through a smart and online connection without consulting a doctor and contacting infections. Get advice from him. After describing the symptoms and performing routine tests (such as measuring body temperature), the doctor may ask you to go to the office for more tests . 


2-Telemedicine makes the process easier for both the patient and the doctor .
Remote medicine is very suitable for patients who are unable to leave their homes, including patients with mobility problems, broken legs, or people who do not have access to a specialist in their hometown. Another advantage of remote medicine is that it can be accessed from all over the world .


3- The patient's medical information and file can be easily recorded and stored .
In the tele-visit service (online visit) service, the patient's medical information and documents are easily and automatically maintained and, of course, privately and confidentially. All medical information and documents of the patient, including the results of his tests and medical records, are included in his personal profile. And in the next appointments, firstly, the doctor will have quick and easy access to this information, and secondly, he will easily recognize the changes and symptoms .


4- Patient feedback on online medicine is positive .
In cyberspace, the patient feels more comfortable. And this feeling of comfort has led to positive feedback from patients about  telemedicine  . The result is that the idea that patients prefer face-to-face visits is completely unfounded .


5-Don’t need to trip
need to travel from distant cities without space restrictions . With  telemedicine , the patient no longer has to travel long distances just to access a specialist. The patient can easily talk to a specialist and discuss his or her medical problems at home. If the number of medical services in the patient's hometown is very low, he or she can fully discuss the problem with the doctor by making an online video call . 


6-Lower cost for a visit
Sometimes we need to spend a lot of money to reach a specialist. Let's visit a lot of doctors to finally get what we want. Add the cost of a doctor's visit to travel expenses to see how much you paid just to diagnose a disease. While online medical counseling is efficient and inexpensive, you can talk to more doctors in less time; However, this is not necessary .  


How trust to telemedicine services?

Trusting him to visit the trap and provide him with medical information and records is a serious issue for telemedicine service customers   . The demand for improving the quality of online medical services, the confidentiality of medical records and records is what the recipients of these services expect from the telemedicine system . 


If  medical services has 5 features mentioned above, this system can be considered reliable .

1-Precise profile with full details of the doctor
When the patient goes to a website or application to receive medical services remotely, first enough information should be obtained about doctors and specialists. Therefore, websites and applications that provide online medical services should have a list of personnel with their medical system number, expertise and skills. In addition, the profile of these personnel should include a brief introduction to the background and experience of the physician and specialist. This information helps the patient make better choices .


 2- Possibility of receiving an online visit (tele-visit)
One of the things that helps to gain the trust of patients is that the patient can book an appointment through the website or application at any time of the day or night. With the possibility of booking an appointment online, the patient spends less time and can easily plan for his daily routine. On the other hand, it allows the patient to know when it is possible to communicate with the doctor of their choice from day to night .


3- Provide costs to the patient
Providing a price list of medical services Another category that helps to increase customer confidence. If the cost of services is determined in advance and given to the patient, it will help a lot in the patient's decision .


4- Telemedicineservices  via mobile phone
Most people have access to the Internet via mobile. In addition to providing mobile services, telemedicineservices also help people gain their trust. If people are also provided with mobile services, they can access a specialist doctor at any time and place . 


 5-Online payment of
medical services, like other online services, should be able to pay online and give priority to the comfort and well-being of the clients .


Source: drlink