Electronic health record

An electronic health record (EHR) is the systematized collection of patient and population electronically-stored health information in a digital format. These records can be shared across different health care settings. Records are shared through network-connected, enterprise-wide information systems or other information networks and exchanges. EHRs may include a range of data, including demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics like age and weight, and billing information.

A decade ago, electronic health records (EHRs) were touted as key to increasing of quality care. Today, providers are using data from patient records to improve quality outcomes through their care management programs. Combining multiple types of clinical data from the system's health records has helped clinicians identify and stratify chronically ill patients. EHR can improve quality care by using the data and analytics to prevent hospitalizations among high-risk patients.

EHR systems are designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It eliminates the need to track down a patient's previous paper medical records and assists in ensuring data is accurate and legible. It can reduce risk of data replication as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is more likely up to date, and decreases risk of lost paperwork. Due to the digital information being searchable and in a single file, EMRs (electronic medical record) are more effective when extracting medical data for the examination of possible trends and long term changes in a patient. Population-based studies of medical records may also be facilitated by the widespread adoption of EHRs and EMRs.


Technical features

  • Digital format enables the use and sharing of information on secure networks .
  • Follow-up care (eg prescription) and results (e.g. blood pressure)
  • Perform alerts and reminders
  • Send and receive orders, reports, and results
  • Reduce billing processing time and create a more accurate billing system
  • Health Information Exchange
  • The technical and social framework that enables the electronic movement of this information between organizations .


Using an EMR to read and write a patient record is not only possible through a workstation, but it may also be possible through handheld devices, tablets, and mobile smartphones, depending on the type of system and health care settings. May be able to access . Electronic medical records may include access to personal health records (PHRs) that make individual notes on EMRs easily accessible and accessible to consumers .

Some EMR systems automatically display clinical events by analyzing patient data through electronic health records to predict, identify, and especially prevent side effects. This may include clearance / transfer orders, pharmacy orders, radiology results, laboratory results, and any other information from ancillary services or notes. This type of event monitoring has been implemented using Louisiana Public Health Information Exchange, a link between state-wide public health information and electronic medical records. Extensive public health status with electronic medical records. The system alerts medical providers when an AIDS patient has not received care for more than twelve months. This system greatly reduces the missed life opportunities .


Philosophical views of the EHR

In a systematic narrative research study of this field, there are various philosophical approaches to EHR . The literature on health information systems views the EHR as a carrier for patient information retention, and a tool for collecting clinical data for secondary use (billing, auditing, etc.). However, other conventional research methods see the EHR as an artificial writing tool within a social technical system. In game theory, for example, it views the EHR as an actant network , while it sees research in computer- aided collaborative work (CSCW (HER)) as a specific task support tool .

There are numerous benefits to EHRs over paper cases, but there is some debate about the extent to which this has been demonstrated in practice .


How can an electronic health record improve patient care?

The HER Electronic Health Record has been developed to organize patient health information and disseminate it promptly to those involved in the patient care process. Doctors will use the EHR notifications to inform other doctors of previous patient referrals, and they will be notified if they have registered a patient recommendation in the system .

The EHR provides a comprehensive and up-to-date patient record to the treatment team. This is especially applicable to patients visited by several specialists, emergency patients, and patients who need to be transferred from one health center to another. In general, using the electronic health record in medical procedures has the following benefits :

  • Reduce medical errors
  • Accelerate when announcing test and imaging results
  • Delete paper files
  • Integration of referral, diagnosis and prescription process
  • Effective communication with the treatment team for better coordination in patient care
  • Improve the quality of healthcare


Implementation, end-user and patient considerations

Numerous studies have questioned whether EHRs have improved the quality of care. In one study in Diabetes Care, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, there is evidence that care with EHR has led to improved quality .

EMR may ultimately help improve care coordination. An article in a trade journal shows that because anyone can view the complete chart of patients using EMR , this leads to reduced error in guessing history, seeing multiple specialists, smooth and seamless transition between care centers, and It may provide better care in an emergency . EHRs may also improve preventative measures by providing better access to physicians and patients, testing results, identifying lost patient information, and providing evidence-based recommendations for preventive services .


Source: Wikipedia