Advantages of electronic medical records

Reducing medical errors

One of the features of the electronic patient record that reduces errors in prescription writing, interpretation of test results, reduction of tests, etc. When the doctor has the basic and correct information, as well as supplementary reports of his patient's periodic records, Medical errors are also much lower. Medical errors are categorized in quality improvement systems. For example, the doctor's illegible lines in the patient's history or medication orders cause the process of diagnosing and treating the patient to proceed inappropriately. The statistics of patients' complaints in these cases have increased greatly, but if the treatment procedures are documented, it can be Reduce and control medical errors


Effective in treating patients

The cooperation of the patient with the doctor and establishing a correct communication between them is the cause of effective treatment. In a treatment process that involves choosing a therapist (physician or treatment center), the first and most effective step is the patient's sense of trust and empathy with the doctor. When the patient feels The slow doctor with many questions and filing electronic health records has no purpose other than to treat the disease, he will pay any cost for his health.


Ease of doing medical educational and research activities

The majority of doctors who are part of the faculty members of medical sciences universities need to have complete and full resumes in order to upgrade their scientific and research rank. They need to present research projects or scientific articles annually and have programs for their students. Doctors who categorize patients and store information about the disease process and treatment while creating treatment files have a better chance to present their own scientific research and education articles.


Management and supervision

Physicians and assistants need electronic records more than paper records. Recreational and scientific trips for doctors during the year or the numerous presence of secretaries and changing office offices make it not easy to carry, store and properly maintain a large amount of paper files. The files and documents in the medical centers not only take a lot of time, but sometimes it is not possible. But technological advances and existing electronic systems solve these processes more rationally


Some other benefits and features

Other features of the electronic patient record are providing new services to people and suitable tools for managers of health and treatment networks, creating an opportunity to maintain the aggregation of health care and service data, monitoring the quality of service delivery in the field of health, etc. It has an electronic health record, it is no longer necessary to take multiple tests or go to the hospital to get tests because the test results or photos are sent to the e-mail of the patient and the doctor in the form of a scan.

According to the laws of the fourth and fifth development plans, the Ministry of Health is obliged to implement electronic health records for all members of the society.